⑫ Staining

Bodian staining

Normal neurite and cytoskeleton aggregation (e. g. neurofibrillary tangles) stain reddish purple with silver protein.
This staining technique is simple and achieves stable staining results.

Staining procedure

*:Avoid using metal implements for the silver and gold impregnation processes. Instead, use plastic and glass equipment.

1DeparaffinizationXylene3 changes, 10 minuntes each
2Removal of xylene100% ethanol3 changes, 5 minutes each
3Hydration95%, 70% ethanol5 minutes each
4WashingRunning tap water2 minutes
5Rinsing *1Distilled water3 changes
6Silver impregnation *2Impregnating solutionOvernight, 37℃
Section color:pale brown
7Washing *3Distilled water3 changes. Agitate sections gently about five times in each bath. Quickly
8Reducing *3Reducing solution10minutes
Section color:Yellowish brown
9Washing *4Running tap waterA few minutes
10Rinsing *5Distilled water 
11Toning *5Toning solution1 hour
Section color:Red brown
12Washing *6Running tap water10minutes
Section color:Purple
13Reducing *72% oxalic acid solution5 minutes
Section color:Dark purple
14Washing *8Running tap waterA few minutes
15Fixing *9Fixing solution 10minutes
Section color:Peony
16Washing *10Running tap waterMore than 10minutes
17Dehydration70%, 95% ethanol5 minutes each
18Dehydration 100% ehtanol3 changes, 5 minutes each
19ClearingXylene3 changes, 10 minuntes each

Work procedure

this is the procedures for staining large sections.
A dish is used for staining large sections; however, a staining jar is used for staining standard-sized sections.

*1 Rinsing

  • 3 changes of distilled water
  • Use plastic tweezers for the rest of this procedure.

*2 Silver impregnation

proceduresection colors

Impregnating solution:0.5% silver protein solution

  • overnight at 37℃

  • Wash the copper pieces with distilled water and gently submerge the pieces in silver protein aqueous solution.
※Place the copper pieces at the edges. ※When placing copper pieces into a staining jar with small sections, place the copper pieces at the edges or on the bottom. After overnight immersion in a silver solution (light brown)

*3 Washing & Reducing

proceduresection colors


Wash in 3 changes of distilled water (bath 1, 2, and 3)

  • Gently move the sections back and forth about five times in each bath. Do this process quickly.


Reducing solution: hydroquinone and anhydrous sodium sulfate solution

  • 10 minutes
Before immersion in reducing solution (light brown)
After immersion in reducing solution (ocher)

*4 Washing


tap water

  • a few minutes

*5 Rinsing & Toning

proceduresection colors


Wash in 3 changes of distilled water (bath 1, 2, and 3)

  • Gently move the sections back and forth about five times in each bath.


Toning solution: 1% gold chloride solution

  • 1 hour
Immediately after immersion in gold chloride (whitish) After 30 minutes, the color deepens the longer it is left in solution. After one hour, the color turns violet.

*6 Washing


tap water

  • 10 minutes
  • Take care during this process because the stained color tone changes with the length of rinsing. Rinsing for longer than 10 minutes will cause the color tone to fade.

*7 Reducing

proceduresection colors

2% oxalic acid solution

  • 5 minutes
  • Metal implements may be used from this point onwards.
Before immersion in 2% oxalic acid After immersion (deep purple)

*8 Washing


tap water

  • a few minutes

*9 Fixing

proceduresection colors

Fixing:Photographic fixing solution (diluted 10 times) or 5% sodium thiosulfate aqueous solution

  • 10 minutes
  • The stained color tone changes with the length of time in the fixing solution. The longer the section is left in the solution, the sharper the contrast.
Before immersion in fixing solution After immersion (peony)

*10 Washing


tap water

  • Wash more than 10 minute, otherwise the section color will change.
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Axon in the Internal capsule

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  1. 0.5% silver protein solution
  2. hydroquinone and anhydrous sodium sulfate solution
  3. 1% gold chloride solution
  4. 2% oxalic acid solution
  5. Fixing:Photographic fixing solution (diluted 10 times) or 5% sodium thiosulfate aqueous solution

① 0.5% silver protein solution

Silver protein0.5g
distilled water100ml
metallic copper5g
  • Sprinkle silver protein onto distilled water and allow it to dissolve from the surface downward.
  • Do not stir because lather will form.

(Protargol S is used)
  • If fine particles float to the surface, then filter the solution.
  • Pour gently to avoid creating lather.
  • If lather forms, then push it to one corner with tweezers

(Protargol S is used)
  • Wash the copper pieces in distilled water.
  • When placing the sections into the silver protein solution, gently submerge the copper pieces into the solution as well.

Albumosesilber is used
Protargol S

Axon in the Internal capsule, stained with Protargol S.

Axon in the Internal capsule, stained with Albumosesilber.

② Hydroquinone and anhydrous sodium sulfate solution

Dissolve hydroquinone in distilled water and then add anhydrous sodium sulfate.

Anhydrous sodium sulfate solution4g
distilled water100ml

③ 1% gold chloride aqueous solution

This solution can be used repeatedly. Filter the solution after use and store it in a refrigerator.

Gold(Ⅲ) chloride acid tetrahydrate1g
distilled water100ml

Useful stock solutions

1% gold chloride solution (store in refrigerator)
2% oxalic acid solution
Fixing solution

Types of silver proteins

This is the silver protein used by the Laboratory of Neuropathology. Use caution because some products do not stain at all depending on the manufacturer. The products listed below are satisfactory for use.

product namemanufactureravailability
Protargol ※ CautionFUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical CorporationAvailable commercially
AlbumosesilberMERCKout of stock
Albumosesilber DAB6MERCKout of stock
Protargol SDaiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.out of stock

※ Caution

The staining methods used for the Fujifilm Wako silver protein differ somewhat to the staining methods we use. Therefore, please refer to the Fujifilm Wako website when using their silver protein products.

Types of copper

The copper used in Bodian staining is not limited to copper pieces, and copper in various configurations can be used. Select a copper configuration that is easy to use. We use copper flakes from Kanto Chemical.