Understanding human diseases is important for all staff involved in providing medical care, including tests, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and nursing care. It is of great significance to share basic knowoledge of what is happening and what will be happening in the patients’ brain. While the term “neuropathology” may seem outdated, in the clinical setting, it is an essential orientation guide.
Improving the accuracy of diagnostic pathology is a must for maintaining and enhancing the quality of medical treatment in clinical practice. The Japanese Society of Neuropathology is a group of neuropathologists appointed as consultants in their respective areas of expertise working to develop more accurate diagnoses. To comprehend the results of such consultations, it is necessary to understand the various neuronal lesions that can occur in the brain. Another aspect of neuropathology is the subspecialty, which improves the accuracy of diagnostic pathology.
The cranial nerve system has several features, namely the type and architecture of cells forming the tissue vary depending on the region and its fiber connection is complex, which enables the brain to play different functional roles in diferent regions. In addition, it is necessary to know how damage to these sites is related to clinical symptoms. The academic field related to the correlation between clinical symptoms and pathological lesions of human cranial nerve diseases is called clinical neuropathology, and continued research in this field facilitates accurate diagnoses and prognostications.
Neuropathology is a field of neuroscience that deals with studies of the development of neurological diseases using morphological indices. The incorporation of data from other fields is a research method with promising developments.