脳病理標本作製ブログ Neurohistotechnology blog


| by 小島 利香



09:33 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

ようやく論文が出ました Our article has been published online.

| by erika seki

Our article has been published online. It has been long way to be here.

Distribution of amyloid‐β precursor protein‐immunoreactive axons differs according to the severity of cerebral ischemia in autopsy brains.
Erika Seki, Takashi Komori, Nobutaka Arai
First published: 09 May 2022
08:12 | 投票する | 投票数(1) | コメント(0)

免疫染色で青色発色 Blue coloration by immunostaining

| by erika seki

For immunostaining, I used a substrate that developed a blue color. The datasheet said that this substrate was soluble in xylene. However, when it developed blue color, I dehydrated it with xylene as usual. Then all the color was lost. Too bad. The photo shows an example of proper blue coloration, double-dyed with DAB.

12:55 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

標本の修復 Repairing old specimens

| by erika seki


Since last year, I've been gradually repairing old specimens with air trapped between the cover glass and the glass slide. I have made a lot of progress, probably about 300 specimens. There are still more to be done, so I will continue to work hard. The photo shows the specimens that have been repaired.

14:24 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

メセナミン銀染色 Methenamine silver stain

| by erika seki

Ms. Kojima, has been performing methenamine silver stain to detect senile plaques. This method can detect neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. In particular, it can detect diffuse senile plaques, which cannot be detected by the Bodian stain. We had been taught three different protocols, but we had not investigated which one was better. So Ms. Kojima is looking into which protocol is the best. We hope to have a detailed introduction of this method on our website soon.
14:05 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

うなぎの日 An unagi day

| by erika seki

 Today is the day to eat unagi. Dr. Arai finally treated us to it. It is said to be unagi from Shimonoseki.  It's a reward for working hard every day.

22:22 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

ケーキの差し入れ A cake

| by erika seki

Dr. Arai came to our lab today with a gift of cake! It was delicious. Thank you very much.

16:05 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

うなぎ an unagi

| by erika seki

The state of emergency has finally been lifted. It was a long time this time. However, it is no different from the life under the state of emergency. I would still go to work every day whether the state of emergency was declared or not. However, I would like to hold a small event at the lab. I suggested to Dr. Arai that we have a lunch party at the lab, and he said he would buy us some unagi. We are not allowed to eat face-to-face, so we will eat at our own desks. I thought I would do my best every day looking forward to the unagi.
09:33 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

KB染色とbetaAPP染色 KB stain & immunostain with an antibody against beta APP

| by erika seki

I try to double-stain cerebral infarction specimens with KB staining and immunostaining with an antibody against beta APP. The result differs greatly depending on which staining comes first. Myelin can look good by immunostaining first.  If KB staining is done first, the immunostaining signal looks good. However, the myelin sheath becomes lighter. It is safer to do immunostaining first.
09:56 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)

脳梗塞と軸索障害 Axonal injuries in cerebral infarction lesion

| by erika seki
脳梗塞病変における軸索障害に興味があります。それで最近は脳梗塞症例でbeta APPの免疫染色をしています。虚血によって白質が淡明化している部位の辺縁にbeta APPが局在することが多いです。でも、免疫染色標本で白質の淡明化とbeta APP陽性シグナルを同時に見ることはできません。それで、KB染色とbeta APPの免疫染色の二重染色をしてみました。

I am interested in axonal injuries in cerebral infarction lesions. So, I have recently been immunostaining beta APP in cerebral infarction cases. Beta APP immunoreactivity appeared at the margin of the lesions with the white matter rarefaction. However, it is not possible to see white matter rarefaction and beta APP immunoreactivity at the same time. So, I tried double staining of KB staining and beta APP immunostaining.

15:14 | 投票する | 投票数(0) | コメント(0)