
今日もガリアス染色の話です I blog about Gallyas method again today

| by erika seki

It is well known that Gallyas method doesn’t work to stain Pick bodies. There is a theory that attributes this event to molecular species of tau. According to the theory, Gallyas method fails to detect Pick bodies composed mainly of 3 repeat tau since the method doesn’t work well to detect 3 repeat tau. On the other hand, the method is sensitive to 4 repeat tau, so that it detects tau pathologies of CBD, PSP and argyrophilic grain disease composed mainly of 4 repeat tau. It also detects tau pathologies composed of both 3 and 4 repeat tau such as NFTs. By the way, Bodian method is sensitive to Pick bodies and not sensitive to tau pathologies composed mainly of 4 repeat tau.

argyrophilic thread

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