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Normal Histology

Cerebral cortex
Cerebral white matter
Basal ganglia
Medulla oblongata
Spinal cord
Sympathetic ganglion

Cerebellum/granule cell layer

Hematoxylin-eosin stain


  • The granule cells looks like lymphocytes. There are cerebellar glomeruli (circles) which contain the axon terminals of the mossy fibers, the dendritic terminals of the granular cells and the axon terminals of the Golgi cells.

Kluver-Barrera stain


  • The granule cells looks like lymphocytes. There are cerebellar glomeruli (circles) which contain the axon terminals of the mossy fibers, the dendritic terminals of the granular cells and the axon terminals of the Golgi cells.

Bodian stain


  • The granule cells looks like lymphocytes. There are cerebellar glomeruli (circles) which contain the axon terminals of the mossy fibers, the dendritic terminals of the granular cells and the axon terminals of the Golgi cells.