
ヘマトキシリン・エオジン染色 Hematoxylin & Eosin method

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I had never learned the HE method in a science class at university.  I first heard the name of the HE method when I was working in the department of molecular neurophysiology at the national institute for physiological science. My boss asked me to stain a section with the HE method, but he wasn't able to teach me how to do it. There were about 30 staff members in the lab at the time, but only two staff knew the protocol of the HE method.  One of the two, Akhilesh Kumar, who was a doctoral student from India, kindly taught me how to do it. We used staining reagents that did not know who and when made. I never knew whether the staining result was fine. I finally learned how to stain with the HE method at this lab.

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