
神経病理解析室の日常業務 My daily work

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私たちの特徴は、①大型の切片を作製すること、②すべて手作業で行うこと、です。その作業の様子は、こちらhttps://pathologycenter.jp/method/ を参照してください。大型切片は通常サイズの約8倍程度になります。

My task is mainly preparing human brain tissue sections for microscopic examination. We collect human brain tissue from hospitals, institutions for children with severe physical and intellectual disabilities, forensic institutions, police, etc. After dissection, the tissue is embedded in paraffin wax, 10μm sections cut, and stained.
Our major characteristics are as follows. 1. We prepare large brain tissue sections, and 2. all steps required to prepare sections are performed manually. If you want to know more details about our skills, please check our website. https://pathologycenter.jp/method-e/ 

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