
頭部外傷 TBI 2

| by erika seki

It is estimated that almost 69 million people suffer from TBI worldwide every year(1). It is a large number of people. Many papers indicate that the definition of TBI is a brain dysfunction caused by mechanical forces. The main cause of TBI is motor vehicle accidents, followed by falls and assaults(2). The consequence of TBI can be severe, and it can lead to death in the worst case. TBI is one of the main death causes in young people in developing countries. I think that the head is important. We must protect our brains as far as we can. We cannot put helmets all the time, but we should do so at least while riding bicycles. Though, it is uncommon in Japan.

1. Dewan M.C., Rattani A., Gupta S., Baticulon R.E., Hung Y.C., Punchak M., Agrawal A., Adeleye A.O., Shrime M.G., Rubiano A.M., et al. Estimating the global incidence of traumatic brain injury. J. Neurosurg. 2018;130:1080–1097.

2. Myburgh JA1, Cooper DJ, Finfer SR, Venkatesh B, Jones D, Higgins A, Bishop N, Higlett T; Epidemiology and 12-month outcomes from traumatic brain injury in australia and new zealand.J Trauma. 2008 Apr;64(4):854-62.
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